Tips for a successful fundraiser
A lot of people in Ireland feel a strong personal connection to NPH Ireland and the programmes for people with disabilities that we support in Haiti. It’s one of the toughest places in the world to have a disability, so we are enormously grateful for your commitment.
You’re always welcome to get in touch and seek our advice. However, below we list some tips culled from our experience over the years.
- Decide what you want to do, think big – could other ideas be added to your event to generate more money e.g., raffle or auction?
- Consider the competition. Are there similar events or large sporting events on that may prevent people from coming along to your event?
- Decide when and where your event will take place – do you need to book a venue? Have you conducted a risk assessment of your venue and are all necessary permissions and licenses in place?
- Recruit help with planning and for the event itself. Ask your network for volunteers, have you approached local businesses for support? Have you spread the word and told everyone what you are doing?
- Organise any materials you may need for your event e.g., event tickets, raffle tickets, collection buckets, t-shirts, posters, decorations, prizes etc. NPH Ireland can provide poster templates, please email [email protected]
- You can fundraise safely and securely through GoFundMe, JustGiving, iDonate or Facebook. If you are collecting offline using tickets or sponsorship cards, NPH Ireland can provide QR codes for donations to be lodged directly in our account securely via Stripe or PayPal.
- Please keep accurate records of all income and expenditure for your fundraiser and keep details of all donations.
- It’s the big day! Turn up early and be ready to get stuck in! Gather and lodge the funds raised and please email [email protected] with details. If the Fundraiser has been for a specific item in Haiti, please advise us. Please be assured that all funds are sent to the programmes run by NPH Ireland in Haiti. If there is anyone who you would like us to send an “official thank you” please let us know.

Thank you!
Finally, a big thank you to you for organising a fundraiser. We are very grateful.