Offer a vulnerable child a better life
Child sponsorship is the most personal way that you can improve the life of a vulnerable child in Haiti.

Whenever possible, NPH is committed to reuniting children with their own family members. For some children, for part of their life that is not possible. Consequently, they may spend some months or years in residential care with NPH. Your sponsorship allows NPH to give them all the benefits of family life.
How sponsorship can change everything
As a sponsor you offer a better future to a child born into poverty. For just €30 a month, you help provide:
- An education that unlocks your sponsor child’s potential
- A safe and loving home where your sponsor child can be happy
- A nutritious diet so your sponsor child grows up healthy
- Healthcare to ensure that your sponsor child stays well
- Play and leisure activities – part of every good childhood.
How sponsorship changed Darline’s life
Darline had a challenging start in life, but now she’s a qualified nurse. “I am the product of NPH’s good work”, she says. She’s also passing on to the community the benefits of her family life with NPH. Read her full story.
Being a sponsor can also change your life
- You will help a child or young person in a very personal way.
- As soon as the sponsorship begins you will receive a photo of your sponsor child and information about them, as well as full details of how sponsorship works. You will receive annual updates.
- You can follow your sponsor child’s progress as they grow up and see for yourself how you are making a difference.
- You don’t have to speak the language (French or Haitian Creole); we’ll be happy to translate correspondence for you.